Frederick Douglass

2020 Racial Reckoning Quote: “Where justice is denied…”

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” – Frederick Douglass

This quote was spoken in 1886 by the great Frederick Douglass. It was relevant then, it was relevant during Jim Crow, and sadly it is relevant today. Here’s why:

    • Justice continues to be denied to Black Americans, as we see in our policing and criminal justice system.
    • Poverty continues to be enforced, through discriminatory financial practices, job discrimination, etc.
    • Ignorance prevails, both in the minds of oppressors, and in the minds of those victims denied a fair, decent education.
    • One class, Black Americans, is made to feel that society is against them. Tip: Ask them. Don’t decide this one for yourself.
    • The result: “Neither persons nor property will be safe.” This is true. Try interpreting it broadly: It is dangerous for America internally and externally when a large group is treated unjustly and kept down socially, educationally, economically, etc. America is weakened when our people suffer racial strife (which is why Russian misinformation campaigns on Facebook sought to inflame racial tensions). We cannot meet the international challenges of the 21st century with such a huge distraction.

So make no mistake, America will be infinitely STRONGER when all our people, including Black Americans, are living relatively economically and socially equal lives, enjoying equal treatment under the law.

-Rich Reister