
What it’s like to Volunteer at a Vaccination “Super Site”

Last week I volunteered at a vaccination “super site”. I did it for 2 reasons: To maybe get vaccinated myself, as any leftovers at the end of the day are offered to the volunteers (vaccinations are specifically not guaranteed to volunteers). To serve in some capacity to help get us out of this pandemic As we all know, plenty of healthy adults are lying to get vaccinated. They are claiming asthma, a high BMI, or…

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Forged with Words, a New Hope

Words matter. They lead to action, good or bad. Words can be poisonous snakes that bite our nation, inject venom into our discourse, and lead to the death of America’s greatness. But words can also be the fresh morning sun shining down on our land. They can be a new, healing light for America that brings hope, opportunity, and a new day. Such luminous words act as a radiant torch exposing the divisive devil hiding…

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Yesterday’ s breach of the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters will be seared in our memories, and in the history of the United States. 24 hours later, there are many questions. Why were the perpetrators seemingly treated with kid gloves? Who bears the blame for what happened? What should happen in the next 13 days? And in the next 4 years? RACISM WAS ON FULL DISPLAY First, the Double Standard I want you to imagine…

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2020 Racial Reckoning Quote: “Where justice is denied…”

“Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.” – Frederick Douglass This quote was spoken in 1886 by the great Frederick Douglass. It was relevant then, it was relevant during Jim Crow, and sadly it is relevant today. Here’s why: Justice continues to be…

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As Trump Inflames Racial Tensions, We Must Speak Out for Racial Justice in America

Just ONE BLACK STUDENT in my grade at Brentfield Elementary in Dallas when I grew up. That’s all I remember. How many black students are there now? I’ll talk more about race below, but first, Trump. Removing Protestors to Waive a Bible? Last night on TV I watched mostly peaceful protesters near the White House get violently pushed away so that Trump could walk to a Church and waive a Bible around. What’s the message?…

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